Tuition & Forms
If you are looking for current student forms, please contact Mrs. Riley in the school office.
“It is the responsibility of the entire Catholic community - bishops, priests, deacons, religious, and laity - to continue to strive towards the goal of making our Catholic elementary and secondary schools available, accessible, and affordable to all Catholic parents and their children...”
— USCCB, "Renewing Our Commitment to Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools in the Third Millennium, 2005

St. Mary uses a system called FACTS Management Company to manage all school payments. This is where you will pay tuition, lunch bills, field trip costs, enroll students for new school years and complete financial aid accessments.
Please take a moment to create an account and make note of your user name and password as this will be a frequently used account during your time at St. Mary.

Paperwork Required for Admission
Please obtain the following paper work to submit to the school office for enrollment purposes
Copy of Birth Certificate (REQUIRED for each student - submit once)
Immunization Record (REQUIRED for each student - submit yearly)
Baptismal Certificate (REQUIRED for those receiving sacraments in 2nd/8th grades)